In this article I will describe how to round numbers using JavaScript and how to easily remember names of these functions.

JavaScript has a few methods in Math object to transform any number or number-as-string to integer (real number).

Math is a global object that contains methods related to math. We will take a look on four of them: Math.round, Math.ceil, Math.floor and Math.trunc.

All these methods accept a number as an argument and return the nearest integer.


Math.ceil() — always rounds a number to larger integer value. Method name ceil is an abbreviation of the word ceiling — it is what above you if you in building :)

Association: ceil = above, up;

Math.ceil(-1.3); // Output: -1
Math.ceil(-1.7); // Output: -1
Math.ceil(2.3); // Output: 3
Math.ceil(2.7); // Output: 3


Math.floor() — always rounds a number to nearest smaller integer value. It also English word that could be obvious for native speakers. It is the lower surface of a room, on which one may walk.

Association: floor = down, lower, ground.

Math.floor(-1.3); // Output: -2
Math.floor(-1.7); // Output: -2
Math.floor(2.3); // Output: 2
Math.floor(2.7); // Output: 2


Math.round() — rounds number to the closest number depending on fractional part. If fraction bigger or equal .5 it will rounds up. If fraction part is less it will rounds down.

Math.round(-1.3); // Output: -2
Math.round(-1.7); // Output: -1
Math.round(2.3); // Output: 2
Math.round(2.7); // Output: 3


Math.trunc() — just cuts off fraction part of number or truncates. For positive integers work the same way as floor but for negative behaviour is different

Math.trunc(-1.3); // Output: -1
Math.trunc(-1.7); // Output: -1
Math.trunc(2.3); // Output: 2
Math.trunc(2.7); // Output: 2

All these methods when called with anything, but a number or null as an argument, always return NaN

Interactive playground

This is interactive form you could play with rounding numbers (don’t forget about negative numbers and invalid inputs)



Rounding numbers and dealing with numbers is very important part of any programming languages on any position and memorising this functions really speed up your growing as a developer.

Hope article will be useful for you.